Happy Valentine's Day! Admittedly, it isn't one of my favorite holidays. We usually keep it pretty low key with a card and a nice dinner out, although last year to avoid the crowds we had a late lunch/early dinner at Tavern on France (very chain type of joint, so nothing fancy at all). Since we got hit with a crazy expensive energy bill a few weeks ago, looks like it'll be another casual Valentine's Day for us. Probably pizza and wine (3 buck chuck holla!).
I do, however, find holidays are way more fun with Isla. I want to do more, to actually celebrate. Over the course of the last month or so, I've snagged little things here and there to add to her V-day box. It all started with this pink box from Target. I mean, it's pink with gold stripes on the side. I can't even. It's so cute, I find myself wondering how I can somehow display it in her room.
I kept it super simple with some 50 cent crayons (thank you once again Cartwheel app), Play-Doh, some sale Target flats, and a couple clearance shirts from CrewCuts. Here is the pink one, but I couldn't find the other online. We are really lucky to have an amazing Jcrew at the Mall of America, with a sale room the size of most stores. I've found so many crazy deals there; definitely cheaper than ordering online. I snagged both shirts for about $7 each thanks to an additional 50% off sale items and no state sales tax. Have I mentioned before that nearly everything in our house (furniture, decor, clothing, etc) was purchased at least 50% off? It's kind of an addition. Anyway, as much as I love the Crewcuts stuff, there's no way I'm spending $30-40 on a shirt that will be covered in Nutella, strawberries and dog fur within 2.3 seconds of putting it on. When they come down to Target prices though, I can't resist, because the styles are really adorable.
I let Isla open everything before getting dressed in hopes that it would make that process easier (it didn't; it's a daily struggle). She was pretty excited about the Play-Doh until she tried to jam it in her mouth, and I yelled at her to stop. Then she shoved it in my face and said "mama Play-doh." At least the crayons are a hit.
What do you do to celebrate? Any Valentine traditions? Or are you like us and barely remember the card? Either way, I hope you have a great day filled with the ones you LOVE!
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