Friday, March 21, 2014

Let's go shopping!

Isla has one of those little pink Fisher Price purses, and every time she slings it over her shoulder she exclaims, "Let's go shopping!" I almost always happily oblige. This time, we decided to take a trip to my favorite Swedish furniture store to check out the new summer line. Remember all the flamingo stuff last year? Yeah, I totally planned Isla's birthday party around the little $1.50 glasses. Do you remember them? So adorable! I might have 10 (and wish that was more like 15). This year, they did not disappoint. I want to throw on some seersucker pants, a white button down and throw a party. Check it out:

Need. These. Platters. 

Napkins for $1.50. Gimme! 

More napkins. I'll take 10 please. 

cute nautical display

Have you seen the Ranarp series? I am obsessed. The hit of brass is perfection and they're so affordable. The one below is $20 and would be perfect as a bedside light. 

The table lamp is $40 and there's a floor lamp  and pendant as well. Love love love love love love love. They've been popping up on blogs everywhere and tons of designers are singing their praises.

This pretty milk glass pendant would be great above a kitchen sink, and at $20 you won't feel bad if you tire of it in a few years. 

I've had my eye on this canvas for months, but am just not sure where I'd put it. It's so cute though, right? 

This greenhouse is a steal at $20, and I think it'd be a great way to have fresh basil (my absolute fav) year round. I think I'll get it next trip.

I always wondered how designers managed to keep live orchids all over their homes, and then I read that one of my all time favorites Caitlin Wilson used faux. Throw it in a pretty pot with some moss, and this $15 looks pretty convincing.

A few more things- pretty baskets (a must for our front porch with some palms or a fiddle leaf fig), super comfortable $25 sling chairs (I have 2 from last year and they are awesome), and that hanging chair. I need to find a place for it. How gorgeous is the green stripe with the hot pink? Very Kate Spade, I think.

Now who's ready to brave IKEA this weekend?! I can't wait to hear what you get! 

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