Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Currently obsessing over

I ran across this image on Pinterest the other day and couldn't get it out of my mind.

The striped chair, the gallery wall, the fact that it looks the way I want all of my vacations to feel. I am obsessed. I wear stripes all the time, I have a striped rug and striped pillows- why not a chair (or two)? I think I need a pair of these in our living room. Immediately.

While I prefer the navy (obviously) here are some other rooms that are rocking striped chairs: 

via BH&G

source unknown 

I think the thing I like best about them is the fact that they work well with so many different styles- beachy, formal, traditional, and contemporary. A stripe is classic, and a pair of these chairs will be so versatile when we inevitably move (sorry Minnesota, but I don't think I can tolerate these winters forever). A pair of striped wingbacks, for example, work well in the living room above, but could also be used in a dining room as the head and foot of the table, or in a bedroom. The older I get, the more I look at things that way. It's not just "do I love this?" anymore. It's "could this piece work in several different areas of my house?" Ain't nobody got time (or money) for furniture shopping every time they decide to redecorate or move. Especially with toddlers. You basically have 5 seconds to make a decision before they're either screaming or running around holding scissors. So it better be a good one. I think classic shapes and patterns in kid friendly fabrics are totally the way to go. 

So now the lookout begins. This one could take a while since my vision is pretty specific, but I think in the end it'll be worth it. Stripes for life!! 

Oh, and I need to spruce it up with flowers, but THE FRONT DOOR IS PAINTED!! Post coming later, but here's a sneak peak. We love it and have already gotten compliments from strangers walking by. :) 

Follow me on Instgram to get other sneak peeks at projects, purchases and my crazy toddler! 

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