Thursday, April 24, 2014

Attention all pillow hoarders

Serena and Lily has the best sales, and right now they have quite a few pillows you must order immediately!! All of these are $18.99:

I'm a girl who loves color, but after seeing pictures of Monika Hibbs'  living room (the rest of her house is absolutely stunning too), I could totally jump on the neutral bandwagon. All three of the neutral pillows above would help to create a very similar look on the cheap:

all images via Tracey Ayton Photography

Black and white (and gold!) is also tres chic right now, as you can see in the room below. I love how it's both masculine and feminine. A win-win!

While purple isn't my favorite color, radiant orchid is the Pantone color of the year, so give it a try with the aubergine pillow. It's close enough ;) Here are some pretty purple rooms even I can get behind: 

Have I justified you ordering every pillow yet?! I know, I know, I'm a total enabler. You'll thank me though when your friends are dying over your spruced up and swanky looking casa. And all for less than $100. Three cheers for pillows!!! 

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