Thursday, April 17, 2014

Oh Joy!

Have you seen the Oh Joy! for Target party line yet? I am pretty smitten with every last item, and think the colors are so perfect for Spring--and Easter too! So if you're having guests over on Sunday, I'd run out to Target and scoop up a few of these super cute and affordable pieces (like you really need an excuse to go to Target). "My" Target--does anyone else call the one they frequent the most as their own, or am I the only one?-- is out of almost everything, so a trip to the 'burbs is definitely in order. I'd honestly plan a party around this, I think it's so cute. Here are some of my favorites (view the entire collection here):

And a few shots from the launch party. I. Want. Everything. Don't you?? Maybe they'll clearance it out, but since it's flying off the shelves I doubt it.

I also recently discovered that Joy Cho has a line of bedding and art for Land of Nod. While the bedding is cute and fun, I'm really drawn to the art. I think I need to get this piece for Isla's room. It would look perfect with her pale pink (and bare) walls: 

Digging this pineapple print too: 

At $20 each, you can't beat it. You can view the entire collection here. It's nice to see bloggers getting 
some recognition. Kudos to you, Joy! I love it all!


  1. I, I KNOW...that I must have that pineapple print somewhere in my house! Also in love with the Oh Joy! party line at Target. We can have a 'just because' party, right?! My fav is that cake stand.

    1. Yes! And while the weather is there's about a 12 week window.

  2. Ahhhh that pineapple! One of my friends is moving soon, this js the perfect gift for jjher new place!! Thanks so much for posting!

  3. Hahaha obviously that delish white wine took over my spelling ;)

    1. Color me jealous! And yes! Get the print! It's too cute!!
